Free Consultation

Tell us about the application you want to build and a Lowcono expert will reach out to assist you.

Expert Assistance From the Very Start

Learning through trial and error is fine if you have the luxury of time. But your time is precious. So how do you hit the ground running without the fear of do-overs? With Lowcono Onboarding, you’ll be guided step-by-step by our specialists to plan, build and deploy your custom applications.

Platform Specialist

Learn directly from someone who’s mastered Lowcono’s low-code platform. Serving as your primary point of contact, your Platform Specialist will conduct weekly video conferences and guide you through the entire program, equipping you with tips and best practices along the way. Get instant answers to all your application-related questions.

Account Manager

Solve critical problems throughout your organization with the help of your Account Manager. Using each session to understand your goals and the pain points you’re trying to address, your Account Manager will help you to look beyond your current project and start driving digital transformation within your organization.